Growing Countertop Wheatgrass
A fun thing to do any time of the year, but especially now,… as Spring is upon us, is to grow countertop wheatgrass. This could be a project to do with your kids or on your own. You can find wheatberry seeds in bulk at your local health food store or online. The potting soil and small pebbles are sold at a garden store or again, online.
What you will need:
• 1 cup wheatgrass seeds (organic, if you plan to harvest and consume the grass)
filtered water
container (clear glass is the most fun to watch the roots grow)
• a mesh strainer
potting soil
small pebbles
spray bottle
1. Begin by sprouting the seeds. You can hasten the process of growing the seeds if you soak the seeds overnight. This can be done by measuring out 1 cup of seeds into a container and covering it with distilled water. Place a kitchen towel over the container and leave overnight.
2. Strain the seeds in the morning. You will likely see little white dots (or buds) at the tips of the seeds. If you do not, soak another night and strain again in the morning.
3. Take your container of choice (pot, glass jar, egg shell, baking dish) and line the bottom of it with small pebbles.
4. Next, you can cover the pebbles with a 1 inch layer of potting soil.
5. Spray the soil with water.
6. Now you can lightly spread the wheatgrass seeds all over the soil. Don’t worry if they overlap a bit as they will find their way to the soil.
7. Lightly spray the seeds when they seem to dry out and within a week, you will be able to see the roots develop.
8. Keep the container inside in warm filtered light.
9. Watch the magic happen with in the next week…